Fresh air enters a room at The Athenaeum Hotel at Chautauqua Institution on Saturday morning , July 11 2015. At the old Athenaeum Hotel, walls are changing from the old romantic wallpaper to simple painted. Built in 1881, the Athenauem Hotel is one of the main attractions on the grounds. Many American personalities stayed at the hotel over the years, including Thomas Edison. This week @roxipopphoto posts for AARP from Chautauqua Institution a gated community that was founded in 1874 by Lewis Miller, inventor from OH and John Vincent, Methodist minister from IL, as a summer camp for adults with the purpose of being "national renowned educational movement".
A woman reads the newspaper on the porch of the Athenaeum Hotel at Chautauqua Institution on July 12, 2015. The Athenaeum Hotel was built in 1891 and it's one of the most iconic places of the Institution.
Bestor Plaza seen from the balconu of Smith library at Chautauqua Institution, July 15, 2015.
Charles Morley and his granddaughter Alexis Morley-Hascano spend their afternoon reading books waiting for the rain to stop at Chautauqua Institution on July 14, 2015. The Gregory's visit the Hopper's at Chautauqua for the week. Chautauqua is known for the intergenrational character- people bring their kids here, and the kids grow up and bring the grandkids - and it becomes the place for them where they come and spend their summers.
Afternoon activities at Chautauqua Institution: Jay Lewis plays lawn bowling with other friends at Chautauqua Institution in the early afternoon on July 13, 2015. Lewis played lawn bowling for many years at Chq. therefore he gets to be the captain of his team, also called the skipper.
Claire Northman serves lemonade to Margaret and Helen Jones at Chautauqua Institution on Sunday afternoon, July 12, 2015. Margaret and Helen are retired teachers who come to Chautauqua Institution to stimulate their mind by attending lectures and cultural performances.
Just because I am not a kid it doesn't mean I can't play," said Kristen Nichols from Cleveland, Ohio. Kids and adults play SPUD in Bestor Plaza at Chautauqua Institution on Monday evening, July 13, 2015. Chautauqua Institution is a gated community that comes to life for 9 weeks each summer. The way the grounds are designed encourages people to walk and ride bikes and spend the most of their time outdoors. Grown ups and kids love it here because it's safe and no cars are allowed on the grounds during the summer season. Everybody walks or bikes.
Window decorations at night at Chautauqua Institution.
Ballerinas from Chautauqua School of Dance hang out in Beator Plaza on Monday evening, July 13, 2015. Chautauqua Institution has summer programs for students: visual arts, music orchestra, ballet and opera. Sunsets get residency they come all over U.S., study and perform for 6 weeks during the summer.
Michael Whalen of Houston, Tx. parks the rental boat at Chautauqua Lake on July 16, 2015. Whalen discovered Chautauqua Institution through friends whose families used to come here since they were young. The lake has always been important for Chautauqua Institution- in 1874 when the institution was a summer camp for Sunday's School teachers, the main gate used to be by the water because water was the main access to the institution. Today the lake serves for recreational activities: boating, swimming, fishing, sailing.
Blossom P.M Brier finishes her clay print at Visual Art School in the ceramic studio on Friday morning, July 18, 2015. Blossom is a well known artist in the community, besides working with clay she is the owner of the Brier Kell Gardens located in Pennsylvania.
Ann and Fiona, the 9-year-old Maltese take a night walk at Chautauqua by Chautauqua Lake on Friday, July 17, 2015. Fiona was named after Princess Fiona from Shrek animation movie. Ann got the light leash for late night walks.
"From one point in life it's time to start giving back," said Enid Shames of Florida while working on a cap for the children suffering of cancer during the Morning Lecture in the Chautauqua Amphitheater on July 15, 2015. Shames made around a dozen caps that she donates to the program Kaps 4 Kids organized by the Ronald McDonald House Charities of Northwest Florida; most of the caps were knitted during morning lectures. This year Shames gets to come to Chautauqua Institution for free since she turned 90. All people of ages 90+ get a free special pass.
Family portrait at Chautauqua: Steven Rathe, Lulu and Susan Borg head to Chautauqua Cinema to watch the movie Ida on Wednesday afternoon, July 15, 2015. "Lulu, the dog is 11 years old which means 66 years, she is old enough to be on AARP," said Rathe.
A boy checks out the car painted by kids at Chautauqua Children's School on Friday morning, July 17, 2015. Chautauqua Children school is one thing that both parents and kids love about Chautauqua Institution. For this week the kids learned about transportation/automobile so one of the teachers let the kids to paint the car at the end of the class.
Clothes hang outside of a cottage at Chautauqua Institution near Miller Park on July 16, 2015
Pat Flanegin,Evie Schott, Carol Vicinie, Dolores Meier wear their Foxy Lady t-shirts for their annual reunion, this year at Chautauqua Institution on July 15, 2015. the front of their t-shirts it reads "granny's getaway" The four of them graduate from high school in Pittsburg, Pa. in 1954, and they all kept in touch over the years. 10 years ago they decided to have an annual reunion to celebrate their friendship, each year they pick a different location. During their trips they wear the same Tshirt and same pursues- so they don't get lost one from another.
1w aarpphotoGirls run down the street next to the Chautauqua Amphitheater on July 2015. This is the last post from Chautauqua Dreamworld personal project. T